I really liked Jason’s article on Wednesday (Tuesday for you guys that are way behind us in time, like in the States). 🙂 Whenever a writer “bares all” and lays something out on the table, the results are always a good read, and such an article helps us know the person more “intimately”. I really thank […]
Should We Sell our House?
Sometimes the reasons for moving sound reasonable. We built our house with four bedrooms 3 baths when our two girls were in school. But both are married now and the house is too large for just Mayang and me. First thing in my head was to sell it and re-build close by, but then I […]
Water, Water from Everywhere
Where to begin my tale of water? On the mountain in 1998, we had a broken dirt road, single phase electricity, no phone (Land Line), no cable TV and of course no water. Yes I wondered why the hell I was buying the land. First I’m informed there must be a wall, a great and […]
Downsizing: No Maid!
A month or so ago, Feyma and I moved to new location in Davao City. I wrote about that, so if you follow the site, you probably Artie knew that. I also told you that we were downsizing. The reason for downsizing is because our family, those living at home, is shrinking. Our kids are […]
The Wonder of Toilet paper
As a sailor and traveling the world the thought of toilet paper was something that just never occurred to me! How could a young lad from Boston possibility imagine that outside of where I grew up (In New England, you know that Super Bowl-winning place) that something as basic as toilet paper could ever be […]
It’s so nice…
Back in May, Feyma left for the United States. She was going there to work in Alaska, in the Seafood Processing business. As regular readers know, in 2016, I had a heart attack, resulting in quadruple bypass surgery. That costs a lot of money, and although I got some great support and help from friends […]