Where to begin my tale of water? On the mountain in 1998, we had a broken dirt road, single phase electricity, no phone (Land Line), no cable TV and of course no water. Yes I wondered why the hell I was buying the land. First I’m informed there must be a wall, a great and […]
Downsizing: No Maid!
A month or so ago, Feyma and I moved to new location in Davao City. I wrote about that, so if you follow the site, you probably Artie knew that. I also told you that we were downsizing. The reason for downsizing is because our family, those living at home, is shrinking. Our kids are […]
25 Years of Fun with the RP’s Land Transportation Office
In the past few months here on LIP I noted that some had found fault with the Philippine LTO System, I’m here to present another point(e) of view, just to defend these much-maligned hard working folks. The Land Transportation Offices are the folks in charge of Drivers Licenses, Tags and Car Registrations (They might do […]
It’s cheaper in the Philippines, right?
Everything you might want to buy is cheaper in the Philippines, right? Well, I’m sorry to inform you, but it just ain’t so. Indeed, many things are cheaper here, but the truth is, many things are much more expensive here than in your home country, you can bet on that. For the most part, the […]
A life time of driving New Old Cars
In the olden days of the NAVY FEDERAL CREDFIT UNION you had to be a member of the US Navy or USMC to join and you had to be outside of the United States. All Dept. of Defense can join now) I was a Member of the Norfolk Navy Credit Union, at the time and […]
Tax ID Number?
The time for gathering personal information needed to file a U.S. income tax return is at hand. Those of you who have been down this road before and have filed U.S. income tax returns in the past know the routine. For some others, however, this could be a new – and possibly overwhelming – challenge. […]